Dubai Inter­net City

The Brief

To tell the sto­ry of the DIC, its com­mu­ni­ty and its vibran­cy in a way that would get peo­ple pick­ing up the phone.

The Challenge

DIC has been around for a long time. The free­zone need­ed to be show­cased as a com­mu­ni­ty of inno­va­tors, and not as a sta­t­ic struc­ture.

The Outcome

DIC’s new con­tent gets to the heart of why the com­mu­ni­ty there mat­ters, and what attracts them to the free­zone. It shows why DIC remains the beat­ing heart of entre­pre­neuri­al ideas despite com­pe­ti­tion.

Sample Copy

“It doesn’t matter if you’re an enterprise looking for a hub that sits you right in the middle of MENA’s promising markets. Or an entrepreneur with a great idea, an app developer creating a chart-topping app, or even a coffee shop with incredible sandwiches. If you’ve got the will, you’ll fit right in. All you need to do is bring the desire to succeed. We’ll help you with the details.”


“Your business deserves being part of a hub that connects ideas and markets across the GCC, Middle East and North Africa. Join a community that values innovation, that believes in business success, and that will help you take your big idea to a vast market.”